Saturday, February 25, 2017


Surround yourself  with only people that add value to your life. When you hang with other believers you are sharpened as it says in Proverbs 27:17, iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.  Jesus valued fellowship. He was constantly around like-minded believers.

When you invite people into your lives that are negative, dishonest, worrisome, they devalue your being and your time. Take an inventory of yourself fellowship:
1. Do the people closest to you speak the word?
2. Are the ones you hang with the most headed in the same direction as you are traveling?
3. Do you need to cut ties with anyone?
4. Is there anyone  holding you back, mentally, spiritually, socially?
5. Are you being sharpened by your circle of friends?

Jesus fellowshiped with others that were heading in the same direction as he. Are you doing the same?


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